Resources Available

The Resource Room has a number of items available for use for advertising and event needs. The items listed in the links below are not available for check out but can be used during the Resource Room's open hours.

Button Maker

The Resource Room has a button maker available for anyone wanting buttons for their residents or for a particular event in the residence halls.

  • Buttons can only be made in the Resource Room.
  • Requests to have buttons made by Resource Room desk workers can be submitted through the service requests page.*
  • Use the blank button template for designing buttons.

*Requests are limited to a maximum of 25 buttons.


Cheer Paints

There are two full-color sets of cheer paints available for use inside the Resource Room.

cheer paints

Die Cuts

The Resource Room has many items to help you with banners, door decs, and any other creative projects you will make. With seven fonts and over 100 shapes/characters for you to choose from, the die cuts can really help any of your marketing needs. Below is the list of fonts, characters, and shapes we currently have available.

Dies can be used with the various colors and types of paper available in the Resource Room.


die cut fonts

Font Styles

Alphabet also available in Sign Language.
greek letters

Greek Letters

Supplemental to Circus font.

Shapes and Characters

3DAnimals/NatureBordersDoor HangersHolidays/SeasonalParty
3D boxLeaf - OakScallopPlainAfrican KinaraBalloons
3D coneFlower - SFencePawsBatConfetti
3D cubeFlower - LStarsShamrock - SIce cream scoops
3D cyclinderRabbit - SIvyShamrock - LIce cream sundae - XL
3D pyramidRabbit - LMountain rangeChristmas wreath and boxCard
3D bagRaindropsChristmas lightBirthday cake - XL
AppleChristmas tree - S
CricketChristmas tree - L
OctopusWitch - S
BluebonnetWitch - L
PeacockPumpkin - S
TyrannosaurusPumpkin - L
StegosaurusTurkey - S
PterodactylTurkey - L
Paw print3D dreidel
FootprintGraduation cap
Woman3" & 2" circlesNo signBasketballAlamoCamera
Man4" & 1" circlesHandFootballCowboy bootCrayon
GirlCaption boxesHappy faceVolleyballCowboy boot - XLComputer
BoyTrianglePeace signVolleyball - XLCowboy hatAward
ToddlerTriangle/Square - SRibbon - SCowboy hat - XLFlag
Woman carrying jar4" squareRibbon - LTexas - SSombrero
GeishaRectangleStarTexas - LShoeprint
EskimoRectangle/Oval - SPuffy starTexas - XLKey
Cowboy with beltRhombusHeart - SPawprint - SLicense plate frame
Native American manRhombus/Trapezoid - SHeart - LPawprint - LMegaphone
SkierTrapezoidPawprint - XLMegaphone - XL
Elf/JesterOvalBobcat headSailboat -S
Arrow - XLBobcat head - XLSailboat -L
Tennis shoe
Clipboard - XL
Mini envelopes
House - XL
Puzzle - XL
Statue of Liberty
Fishing pole
Mini tags


The Resource Room has a laminator available for preserving items made for residence halls.

  • Resource Room desk workers are the only people allowed to operate the machine.
  • Lamination film costs over $100 per roll; to cut down on cost, laminate only signs that will be used all year.
  • Door decorations and bulletin boards will not be laminated!
    • Students move around
    • Students rip them down
    • Mistakes are made

To have an item laminated, complete a Service Request.


The Resource Room has multiple colors of construction paper, neon printer paper, and butcher paper available for flyers, door decs, or advertisements.

It is incredibly important to the Residence Life & Education staff that we are conscious of our use of paper. Please be sure to recycle as much as possible and to take advantage of the scrap pieces of paper available in the Resource Room.

If you have suggestions on colors to get or have an event approaching where you will need more construction paper than is typical, let the staff know so we can have an adequate supply.

construction paper
rolls of butcher paper


Our printers:

  • Black and white printer (P2015dn)
  • Color printer—No more than 10 copies per person, per visit

Use University Print Shop for large print jobs and other services. This will be taken out of the hall programming budget. The University Print Shop may send your item to Copy Cats if they choose.