Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Living Learning Community (LLC)?
A Texas State Living Learning Community is a group of students living together based on a common interest while taking one or more classes together and participating in out-of-class experiences led by successful upper-class students. Residents have access to many special resources, programs, and activities, such as seminars, site visits, and reserved space in academic courses.
How is an LLC different from a residence hall?
All students who fall under the housing policy live in residence halls. Located within some of those residence halls are Living Learning Communities.
What can I expect from participating in an LLC?
- Ability to enroll in courses with students who live on your floor.
- Frequent interactions with faculty and other staff members.
- A "family-like" relationship with other students.
Students in LLCs based on their academic major can also expect:
- A Resident Assistant (RA) who is a successful upperclassman in your major or minor.
- Out-of-class activities based on your major and career interests.
Do students in LLCs pay additional fees?
No, students in Living Learning Communities do not pay fees in addition to the standard room and board rates for the residence hall that houses the LLC.
Does being in an LLC limit my social options?
No. Texas State is a big university and we encourage students to join organizations and do things both inside and outside of their LLC.
Do I have to live in the residence hall designated for the LLC?
Yes, living in the same hall and on the same floor with other students from the LLC is part of the fun!
If I already have a housing assignment, can I still join an LLC?
If you are willing to change your housing assignment, there is a possibility you can join an LLC. It will depend on space availability. Call our office at 512.245.3705 or email us at to discuss your options.
I have a certain person who I want to be my roommate. Can we be roommates if they are not in the LLC?
Students in Living-Learning Communities live with other students who are also in the same LLC. Part of college is about getting to know new people from different backgrounds. Being roommates with someone who is also in the LLC is one of the benefits of the program and it enriches the community.
Do you have faculty members who live on campus?
Yes. A faculty member resides in a separate apartment within Residential College (Mesquite and Brogdon Halls) and a faculty member resides in a separate apartment within the Honors Community.
The LLC program strives to teach new students to interact with professors on both a formal and informal level. During their stay in the residence hall, the faculty member is able to connect with the students on a one-to-one basis through various means such as “office hours” in the hall, holding informal academic discussions, socializing, facilitating formal programs, and mentoring.
What if I have been accepted into an LLC but I have changed my mind?
Please let us know as soon as possible so that we may decide how best to house you. If you decided not to participate in your LLC before your designated room assignment process, we will remove you from our list and place you back into the normal room assignment process. If you change your mind after you have already been assigned to a room within the LLC, we may place you into a space based on availability.
What if I change my major?
No problem at all. College is a time of personal growth and development. We ask that you share your major change with us so that we can decide what option will be most beneficial to you.
Do I have to live in the LLC to be a member?
Yes. Only students that have applied and live on the floor with the Living-Learning Community are allowed to participate in the group.